Collaboration software for company activities management

Collaboration software for company activities management

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Collaboration software is a program that facilitates the team work within the company, improving information exchange and company resources sharing, that manages the progress phases of a job order determining anytime at which step the production process is and who is supposed to take charge the next step.

Such software is useful to any type of company, not only manufacturer companies. Think of a company that sells goods and offers post-sale support. From the beginning phases, that are:

  • meeting management by the agent
  • offer to the customer
  • order gathering

are major activities, that must be carried out with a certain order and method, storing all information into a system that allows data retrieving anytime. Often, different people perform these tasks (agent, salesman, head of production department, ...). Same for next tasks:

  • offer/order to supplier
  • order fulfillment
  • shipping/transport
  • post-sale support